"Reflections" is to be a collection of our PHS60 classmates' stories, as told by them personally.  They will recount noteworthy personal events, ideas, etc. strongly connected to their lives in the Princeton area during "the good old days."
   Your "reflections" may describe anything that was special to you: a teacher, activity, act of kindness, or even an unpleasantry that helped shape your life.  
   Our goal is to collect personal accounts of "lessons learned" or hearts touched or other events or insights that were significant to you.  They need not be of great importance, except to you.
So please share your story.  Share several if you wish.  We hope to compile a "word picture" of Princeton life for our class.  We'd like to collect enough personal stories to produce a printed copy for all who like one.  So please help.  ENTER YOUR WORDS BELOW.
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officially debuted on Wed., July 22 with a formal mailing describing the project in detail and offering the following info & "Submission Guidelines":

    We need your personal stories of  meaningful incidents or realizations that served as “life lessons” for you, things that resulted from your Princeton experiences that were highly significant to you at the time, and perhaps served you well in later years.  Reflections need not be of momentous events, revelations, or deeds; heck, many of life’s great gifts come as small, unexpected kindnesses or gestures, or even painful but priceless occurrences. 
Speaking of priceless, “Reflections” will be Absolutely  FREE to each classmate who
provides a “reflection.”  With your help, we just might compile a priceless product.
    So, what are we asking?  Simply that you identify your “reflection” incident(s) – it can be more than one – and describe it in detail.  We have NO size limits.  We have NO subject limits.  We have NO strict format limits.  We simply ask that you provide your stories to be combined with those of your classmates to compile our class memoir. 
               Submission Guidelines
put your “Reflections” in electronic document format (e.g., MS Word)
email your “Reflections” to  (don’t forget the “dot” after “carl”)
submit your “Reflections” by August 15, 2020.   [sooner is OK]
if you fail to receive an email from Carl within one week confirming his having received it, please phone or email him to check on it
email:   [NOTE: be sure to include the “dot” after carl]
phone:  540 - 371-2275 cell (for text message):  301 - 641-7554
please retain this contact information for future reference (e.g., receipt of your book)

*** IMPORTANT:  A free copy of our final product will be provided to each classmate who submits a "reflection."  DON'T MISS OUT ON YOUR COPY. ***

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Q. How long can my reflection be?
A. Any length you wish.  One contributor has drafted a 10-page reflection.
Q. Must it focus on a specific person (e.g., a teacher)?
A, No.  It can focus on anything: a person, an event, an insight, anything.  It can be a nostalgic memory or a critical look back . . . or anything in-between.  
Q. How many reflections can I submit?
A. As many as you wish.  “The more, the merrier.”  We welcome every story from every classmate.

Q. Do I have to identify myself?
A. We certainly hope that you will.  Life stories are almost always richer when the teller is known, especially in a closed group like PHS60.  But we will include anonymous submissions that are otherwise acceptable.

Q. Will my story be edited?
A. We will strive to make only minimal edits, primarily for correct spelling and clear language.  Should story content violate basic norms of civility or privacy, we will attempt to correct it to make it acceptable.  If unable to do so, we reserve the right not to include it.

Q. How much will a copy of Reflections: A Memoir of Princeton High School Class of 1960 cost.
A. No charge.   $0.00    Nada 
        One copy of the final product will be provided to each person who submits a “reflection.”
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 update, July 27, 2020

Inquiries and expressions of interest are appearing.
One concern is that "reflecting" tweaked some negative memories and our classmate doesn't want to rain on the parade.

my response: Reflections isn't intended to be all "milk and honey."  What we seek is a true, collective picture painted by PHS60 and tied to Princeton experiences and insights.  Many of life's best lessons result from sad or painful experiences.  Such stories are as welcome as the upbeat ones.  (We're not trying to put lipstick on a pig.)

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Reflections update, August 31, 2020
I've been asked, "Can my reflections be included Anonymously?"
   The answer is
YES!  Our goal is to paint a representation of 2020 memories or conclusions of our Princeton-area experiences: the good; the bad; the ugly.
    The only requirement is that they be truthful and sincere.  I will absolutely protect all requests for anonymity.  So please share your "reflections."